There are so many people I admire but if you ask me to list the top 10 people I admire, I would have to name Randy Pausch as one of them. A young college professor who chronicled his battle with cancel and delivered the kind of lecture that not only make you stop to pay attention but also touch your heart and soul. It is the kind of lecture that makes you ask yourself, if I knew I was going to die and had a chance to sum up every thing that is important to me, what would I say? It’s not a sad lecture; in fact, it is uplifting as it makes you want to think about your dreams and achieving it.
How does it apply to entrepreneurs? We are often so scared to make decisions or take opportunities that is presented to us, fear rules over us. There are also some of us who are in jobs we don’t like, doing work that we know we were not meant to be doing…. but too scared to step away from the familiar habits that we have been in for so long to follow our passion and dream.
“It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our death bed. It is the things we do not. Find your passion and follow it” – Randy Pausch