1. Get a blanket and curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t gotten around to it
2. Curl up in front of the TV, turn to TVtropolis or channel 48 and watch reruns of old sitcoms – instead of a blast of cold breeze to your face get a blast from the past
3. Dust off those old board games – Yahtzee, Scrabble, Monopoly, or whatever you have stored away in the basement or in your attic because before the iPhone apps and web version, there were these with real board and real game pieces
4. If you can find a toque, pair of gloves and a nice warm jacket, stroll down to your neighborhood shops, restaurants or pubs. Revisit the old neighborhood haunts you have forgotten and on a cold day like today, I’m sure they would appreciate your business
5. Brew a cup of tea and plant yourself in front of a window to appreciate the winter wonderland. Admire the snow covered streets and trees, it’s a beautiful thing
Bonus: 6. Pull up your website and blog about things to do on a snowy day